
Chiropractic and Paresthesia - Numbness and Tingling - (Feet)


Numbness and tingling sensations may be sporadic or chronic. There may have been a slow gradual onset or it may come on suddenly.

Sensory perversions are divided into:

1. paresthesias: spontaneous, abnormal sensations, described as “pins and needles” or tingling.

2. dysethesias: irritating sensations evoked by normal stimuli such as light touch.


Numbness and tingling sensations, whether constant or sporadic, may be due to a pathological involvement of neural tissue. More often than not however, it is a reversible irritation of nerve fibers by structural, chemical, or emotional factors or any combination of the three.

Listed are some of the most common causes of paresthesia:

Vertebral subluxation (malposition) in the lumbar spine
Herniated lumbar disc
Lumbar spine nerve root irritation
Peripheral nerve irritation or compression (hip, leg, ankle)
Ischemia (inadequate blood circulation)
Muscle tension
Myofascial trigger points
Irritation of soft tissue: vertebral discs, joint capsules, muscles, tendons and ligaments
Spinal canal or foraminal stenosis
Muscle weakness
Sedentary lifestyle
Repetitive movement
Hyperinsulinism / blood sugar handling
Metabolic disorders (diabetes, uremia, etc.)
Central nervous system disorders (multiple sclerosis, ALS, etc.)
Liver or kidney disease
Alcohol or drug related
Residual effects of trauma (backside, knee, ankle, etc.)
Side effects of medication
Anxiety or depression
Faulty shoewear

Chiropractic / Applied Kinesiology Approach to Numbness and Tingling Sensations

Sometimes the cause of numbness and tingling sensations is as simple as a vertebrae being locked or misaligned. When this is the case, standard Chiropractic manipulation works wonders. However, this is not always the case. In fact, more often than not there are several factors at work.

Vertebrae may indeed be misaligned; however there may also be systemic factors to consider. For this reason, Dr. Morrison evaluates patients from a global perspective.

Therapy is based on patient history, physical exam findings, and on careful discrimination of clinical exams whenever applicable. In this way, all three sides of the triad of health are addressed: structural, chemical and emotional.

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