

Thyroid (03/2023)

Most thyroid problems are a result of autoimmunity. More specifically, when the body’s immune system becomes over-responsive, it begins to attack its own tissue. This condition is known as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. 


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Insomnia part 2 (02/2023)

Insomnia part 2

My previous newsletter provides practical advice on dealing with insomnia. This newsletter continues the discussion, listing some of the most common causes of insomnia. 


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Insomnia (01/2023)

Insomnia part 1

Do you have trouble getting restful sleep? You’re not alone. According to the American Sleep Association, 50-70 million US adults from some form of insomnia. 

Insomnia is generally defined as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, but it also includes waking too early in the morning and not feeling refreshed.  

For some, insomnia is sporadic. Others suffer a predictable, dreadful pattern. Whatever the case, it is imperative to get regular, restful sleep so your body can heal itself and prevent sickness.

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Gluten (12/2022)

Most of us have heard of Celiac’s Disease. This is an autoimmune condition in which antibodies attack small intestine tissue in response to ingesting gluten. While Celiac’s is relatively uncommon (less than 2% worldwide), other forms of autoimmunity are widespread. Some estimates say 7% of the U.S. population suffer from an autoimmune disease. In my own practice, the incidence appears to be higher. 

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The Importance of Fiber (04/2020)

Most doctors and patients don’t like talking about poop, but the fact is, constipation has reached epidemic proportions in Western countries, especially among the elderly. Laxatives are among the most commonly used

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COVID-19 & Our Immune System (03/2020)

This week, Governor Cuomo announced that up to 80% of New Yorkers may contract COVID-19. Whether or not this is accurate remains to be seen, but in any event, if we don’t contract the virus ourselves

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The Chiropractic Adjustment Part 2 (06/2019)

My previous newsletter described the difference between fixations and subluxations: fixations are two or more contiguous vertebrae that are locked in place while subluxations are misaligned vertebrae or extremity bones

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The Chiropractic Adjustment Part 1 (05/2019)

The Chiropractic Adjustment Part 1

As a chiropractor, I’m frequently asked “what does the cracking do?” I'll usually simplify my response by saying "it helps many things, but mainly it helps us to feel better.” This two-part newsletter will elaborate on some of the numerous, physiological benefits derived from chiropractic adjustments

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SIBO & Low Back, Hip, and Knee Pain (04/2019)

The Ileocecal Valve is between your small and large intestines. Its function is to hold material in your small intestine until digestion is complete. The small intestine is equivalent to the kitchen area of your bowel.

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Inflamation (03/2019)

Chronic inflammation is pervasive in our society. Perhaps you suspect inflammation in yourself or a loved one, but are not really clear on what it is. In this newsletter, I will describe how inflammation occurs, and the ways in which Applied Kinesiology keeps it at bay.

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